assalamualaikum kawan2 [rakyat jelata kelas E mmg muslim belaka]..
blog ini didedikasi kepada semua kawan2 kelas E sesi disember 2007-november 2009. kelas 3E,4E,5E dan 6E. yg pernah, yg sempat, yg sudi belajar bersama
selama ni

Sarjana Muda Ukur Bahan, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam, Selangor.

true friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
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Monday, November 9, 2009

Officially Missing You

Tadi ms tgh asik tgk home kt FB, tiba2 aku tertarik ngan satu post ni, lagu OFFICIALLY MISSING YOU..lirik sgt kena ngan perpisahan dak2 kls E hr ini..dlm hati, hanya Allah yg mengtahui betapa beratnye nk pisah ngan u oll..nsb baik lah teardrop xjadi raindrop..kalau x, mmg banjir FSPU td..wlaupon hampir2 kan..hehe..

bila bersalam2 dengan semua, rs berat nk lepas..xpenah rasa sedih mcm ni bila nk berpisah..mcm sem2 lepas, hbs je paper sume meluru sbb nk balik kemas baju nk balik kg bercuti..padahal cuti nye sebulan lebih kot..mungkin ingt sem yg depannye stil bley jumpa, xde hal, hr ni masing2 mcm kena ikat kaki kt tu..sume mcm xnak lepaskan kwn2 pergi..

cukuplah dengan ayat ~"aku nak mintak maaf ngan ko, lepas ni dh susah nk jumpa".."nanti ko jgn lupa aku plak bila dh balik kedah" ~dah bley meruntun hati kecil ini..

bukan nk, mmg teremo pon sikit..hehe..last but not least, hayati lah ayat2 ni..plg berkesan pd aku is ayat ~~And today I’m officially missing you...:((

All I hear is raindrops
Falling on the rooftop
Oh baby tell me why’d you have to go
Cause this pain I feel
It wont go away
And today I’m officially missing you
I thought that from this heartache
I could escape
But I fronted long enough to know
There ain’t no way
And today
I’m officially missing you
Oh can’t nobody do it like you
Said every little thing you do
Hey baby say it stays on my mind
And I, I’m officially

All I do is lay around
Two ears full of tears
From looking at your face on the wall
Just a week ago you were my baby
Now I don’t even know you at all
I don’t know you at all
Well I wish that you would call me right now
So that I could get through to you somehow
But I guess it’s safe to say baby safe to say
That I’m officially missing you

Well I thought I could just get over you baby
But I see that’s something I just can’t do
From the way you would hold me
To the sweet things you told me
I just can’t find a way
To let go of you

It official
You know that I’m missing you
Yeah yes
All I hear is raindrops
And I’m officially missing you